Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Far-flung Songs

Gonzalo Morán with Bajo la Hiedra

I tweeted recently that I’d had a request for an interview from a fantasy fan in Cuba. Here he is – Gonzalo very kindly sent me a picture of himself and his much-prized copy of Bajo la Hiedra. Note the finger carefully marking his place . . .

Fantasy books are pretty difficult to obtain in Cuba; due to their currency not being internationally traded Cuban readers can’t just pop onto Amazon or The Book Depository whenever they fancy something new to read. After hearing about my book on the Internet, Gonzalo only managed to get hold of a copy by asking a friend to bring it with her when she came to visit.

If you speak Spanish, Gonzalo runs a fantasy blog and was impressed enough with my last rant to go to the trouble of translating it for his readers. I don’t know what on earth came over him.

1 Comment

  1. Gonzalo Morán

    Hi Ellie!!

    YWhat on earth came over me?? Simple: I LOVE FANTASY and the entrance on your blog made me want to share it with all the readers of my blog & all th suscribers of Estronia. Besides, I love to do translations. It’s a way to practice my English.
    Good luck & keep writing so well, please.
    Gonzalo Morán
    Havana, CUBA

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