Being a list of everything else, including constellations, moons and celestial events, ships, festivals, narcotics and assorted herbs the intrepid traveller might find it wise to carry – or avoid.
- Accords, the: Accords of Samarak; peace settlement ending the first desert war
- All Hallows: Festival in the Eadorian Church, a day sacred to all saints
- ammanai: Pejorative term for someone not desert-born, a northerner
- Apocryphae, the: Ecclesiastical texts not in accordance with current Church thinking, considered to be heretical
- Ascendant: Heir to the throne of Astolar. Morwenna is First Ascendant, Tanith is second and so on
- athalin: An analgesic herb
- barouk: Voluminous white outer robe worn in the desert
- berassa oil: Oil used to soften the beard and lubricate the skin before shaving
- bhakkan: Gimraeli expletive; plural bhakkani
- bidewell: Plant whose root has anti-emetic properties
- bilcha-root: Dried, shredded root that the Nimrothi smoke like tobacco
- bloodprice: In the desert, when a life is saved, the saviour can ask this in payment of the person saved
- bog bells: Arennorian plant, whose roots produce an insect-repellent juice
- bulgava: Traditional Gimraeli sweet pastries
- chaba: A kind of tobacco popular in Gimrael
- cold magic: A kind of Hidden Kingdom magic favoured by the frost-kin
- Cold Stars Gaze, The: Nordman raiding ship
- Council of Masters: Governing body of the Order of the Veil
- crag-cat: An-Archen mountain lion
- crowsfoot: A soporific herb
- cuinh: In Nimroth, a crude word for the female genitals; a pejorative
- Cult, the: The Cult of Silnor, a fundamentalist religious movement in Gimrael
- Curia: Elders of the Suvaeon, the Order’s administrative, disciplinary and legislative body
- daigh: In Nimroth, a crude name for the male genitals
- duga-nut: Type of Nimrothi nut, customarily roasted for eating
- Elder: Honorific given to members of the Suvaeon Curia
- Eldest: Gods of the Nimrothi
- Eventide: Midwinter festival
- faithless: Pejorative term the Nimrothi use for their distant kin the Arennorians
- Finndail’s Banner: Atmospheric phenomenon, appearing as banners of green and red light in the sky
- firedrake: A dragon
- Firstmoon: A festival held amongst the clans at the first new moon of the year
- Fools’ Night: Festival in southern Syfria, characterised by masks
- Founding Wars, the: Battles to repel Nimrothi invaders, founding the First Empire
- frost-kin: Creatures from the coldest plane of the Hidden Kingdom, with whom Savin has formed an alliance.
- gaeden: Someone with the talent to hear the Song; a Guardian
- Garden of Kendor, the: Rarely-traded book of sadistic erotica
- Gate: Artificial gateway in the Veil, allowing passage between the worlds of humans and fey
- Gatekeeper: One whose task is to monitor and if necessary seal the Gates in the Veil; Masen
- gilberry: Edible berry of the northern plains, whose juice stains a dark purple
- glim: A ball of light summoned by a gaeden
- goldwine: Very fine Tylan brandy, like cognac
- Greic: Formal language of the Church, like Latin
- guyyam: Desert fruit known for its prickly rind
- Hall of Heroes: Afterlife of Nimrothi warriors, features an endless feast with Maegern
- harrow-bird: A raven
- hidderling: Creature of the Hidden Kingdom, a changeling
- High Seat: Head of one of the noble families of Astolar, ten of which make up the White Court
- hjussvoten: An obscenity from the Northern Isles
- iniku: Of or pertaining to the inikuri
- inikuri: Spirit dancers, birdlike women from remote Northern Isles
- itmakh: Gimraeli word, meaning forbidden, or sinful
- jihad: The Dragon jihad, counter-insurgency movement in Gimrael, opposing the Cult
- kaif: Looped and twisted desert head-dress
- kalabal: Type of tree which produces the raw resin to make mezzin
- kavit: Liquor distilled in Bregorin from fermented birch leaves
- khajal: Gimraeli expletive
- khalanjir al sho’meht: What the Gimraelis call Zhimdan-dar, a city that opens its arms to anyone with money; lit. ‘the whore of the north’
- Kittiwake, the: Trade ship on the Inner Sea, captained by Dail
- kuuvalainen: Winter elementals, associated with the White Hunter
- Laraig Anor, the: Mountain range, descends roughly south south east from the Archen Mountains
- lector: An Eadorian priest
- Lost Ones, the: The Maenardh, exiles from the Nimrothi clans
- Lumiel: The second moon
- lyrran: Gimraeli big cat; a sand-tiger
- marchion: Sparkling wine made in Tylos
- mezzin: Aromatic tree resin, smoked as a recreational narcotic
- Miriel: The first moon, sometimes referred to as the Evenlight
- Morning Star, The: Sea-elf ship that carries Tanith home from the Western Isles
- mugatine: Heavy silk fabric from Sardauk
- mugu bean: A staple crop of the desert regions
- najji: Specially-trained pleasure slave; plural najjir
- najjir: Specially-trained pleasure slaves; singular najji
- Nordmen: People of the Northern Isles
- Oak and Eagle, the: Inn in Mesarild
- Poets’ Square: Square in El Maqqam where the Suvaeon Knights were executed during the first desert war
- Preceptor: The head of the Suvaeon Order, currently Ansel
- qalen al jinn: Gimraeli phrase, translates as ‘heart of the dragon’
- qatan: Curved, single-edged Gimraeli sword; sometimes called a soul-sword
- qilim: Thick, densely-woven Gimraeli rug
- ravener: Minion of the White Hunter, avatar of hunger or starvation
- Red Dragon, the: An inn in Pencruik on the Western Isles
- Rede: Meeting of the Suvaeon Elders
- Rede-hall: Hall where the Rede is held
- reiving: Violent raid on another person’s memories
- ride: Unit of warriors in Arennor, thirty men
- ride-captain: Leader of a ride; Magda is a ride-captain, as is Duncan
- runestones: Carved stones marking portals in the wildwood of Bregorin
- saelkies: Water-spirits that live in the Mere, playful and capricious
- Samarak, Accords of: Peace treaty that ended the first desert wars
- Sanctuary Isle: Headquarters of the Sisters of St Tamas; a leper colony there
- sayyan: Gimraeli equivalent of ma’am; male form sayyar
- sayyar: Gimraeli equivalent of sir; female form sayyan
- Scarlet Feather, the: Inn in the glovers’ quarter of the White Havens
- Seven Kingdoms: Seven planes of the Hidden Kingdom; Savin swears by them
- shadowkin: One who is an agent of the Hidden Kingdom, or a changeling
- Shipmaster: Title given to the co-master of a sea-elf ship, shares responsibility with Shipsinger
- Shipsinger: Title given to the co-master of a sea-elf ship, shares responsibility with Shipmaster
- sight-glass: Device for communicating with the peoples of the Hidden kingdom
- Simiel: The third moon, sometimes referred to as the Dawnbringer
- Singing Stones, the: Crystal formation in a cave beneath Arennor, guarded by Maera
- skaldings: Nordmen gargoyles; spirits of warding
- Skimmer, the: Ship on which Gair travels south to Gimrael
- Slaine’s stones: A moderately foul Arennorian exclamation
- Song, the: Magical force embodied in the earth and every living thing, manifest as music
- Soothseer: Wise woman/mystic of Leah
- Stony River rebellion: Uprising against Drw’s rule, during which Teir was injured
- sulqa: Fine-boned breed of horse, native to Gimrael
- Superior: The senior nun or monk in an Eadorian religious house; equivalent of abbot/abbess
- Suvaeon: The Church Knights
- Sword of Slaine: Constellation containing the pole star
- tajani: Traditional Gimraeli dish of mutton, vegetables and warming spices
- Talent, the: What the northern plains clans call the gift for magic
- Tamasians: Order founded by St Tamas, to care for lepers and other unfortunates
- Ten, the: The ten noble Houses that make up the royal court of Astolar
- thieftalk: Sign language commonlyu sed by the criminal classes of Haven-port
- Trader Rose, the: Barge working the river from Mesarild to the White Havens
- trinity moon: When all three moons are visible in the sky together
- uisca: Liquor distilled from grain by the northern clans
- Veil, the: Boundary between the human world and the realms of the fey
- wandering moon, the: Nimrothi name for Lumiel, the second moon
- Whistlers, the: Shades of long-dead warriors that haunt Whistlers’ Pass
- White Court, the: Royal Court of Astolar, made up of the Queen and the High Seats, sometimes referred to simply as the Ten
- wildwood, the: The deep woods of Bregorin, where time flows differently
- woodlings: Bregorinnen creatures, wood sprites
- woodsong: Music played by the Bregorinnen forestals to protect travellers and navigate the wildwood
- yarra-root: Root burned in Astolar as an aid to meditation
- yellowbalm: An antiseptic preparation
- yellowtail: Species of edible fish native to the Inner Sea
- zaal: Unit of currency in Sardauk
- zirin: Ornamented metal clasp to hold back long hair
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