Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Tag: ohshit moment

The cutting edge of fantasy fiction?

Authors of fiction should wear their learning lightly, I feel. Research should subtly inform their writing, not dominate it, and the reader should never, ever feel as if they’re being lectured. After all, they picked up the book to be entertained and transported into another world, not sat down and told to pay attention, because there’s a quiz later.

It’s a widely-held view that fantasy as a genre is one in which the writer can pretty much dispense with research. It’s all made up, so as long as you make sure there are certain natural laws by which your world functions and you stick to them, you can do what you like. It’s your sandpit. You make the rules. Continue reading

Sob story

I had a crisis of confidence today.  These things happen from time to time, so I’m used to them.  Happened with the last book, and it’s a good bet that it’ll happen with the next one, too.  But it’s never pretty.

I work myself into a right old state.  I can’t seem to focus on the solution and go round and round the problem in ever decreasing circles until my ability to write anything from a shopping list upwards  just freezes.  Copious amounts of tea sometimes helps.  Copious amounts of chocolate, too–except I’m not allowed to eat that at the minute. Continue reading

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