Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Cover art, part II

It’s been a long road to get here. Two different artists, neither quite capturing what the publishers were looking for, designers being admitted to hospital – you couldn’t make it up.

But here it is, as close to final as I’ve got. There’s still a teensy bit of smoothing-out and finessing to do, but imagine, if you will, matte gold foil on the title, and a spot-UV treatment on the twiddly bits to make them shine in the light, and you have it.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the UK cover for Songs of the Earth:

Songs of the Earth UK cover

Ain’t it pretty? You can click on it to make it bigger. Go on, you know you want to.



  1. Stuart Boother

    That’s me! very exciting to see myself on a book. Really didn’t expect to. love it – great job.

  2. Jenny Brown

    Evokative. Very nice sword, too.

  3. Michele Brenton aka banana_the_poet

    I am SOOO looking forward to buying this 🙂

  4. Debbie

    Oh yeah. Mean and moody. Gorgeous.

  5. Lexi Revellian

    Mean, moody, magnificent…with nice twirly bits. And matte gold is good.

    I bet you are pleased.

    • Ellie

      It’s a bit different to what I originally expected, but I’ve got to say I love the colours, the mood, and the “Don’t push me” expression!

  6. Lucy Leid



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