Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

The Raven’s Shadow – giveaway!

Cover of The Raven's Shadow***This giveaway is now closed!***

Ooh, a new book . . .

As you may know, this coming Thursday, 15th August, sees the publication of THE RAVEN’S SHADOW in the UK, and shortly thereafter in Australia and New Zealand.

This is the third volume of The Wild Hunt series, and things are heating up. Gair’s back on the mainland with a mission to fulfill. Teia is struggling through the mountain snow, desperate to reach safety before her child is born. As the moons move inexorably towards their conjunction and Ytha’s war band levels its spears at the Empire itself, deception and tragedy await. Actions have consequences, and not all of them can be foreseen.

I don’t know about you, but I’m just a-quiver with excitement.


And look! There’s free stuff!

Because I am immensely proud of this book, and y’all are the nicest bunch of readers, I am also giving away some signed copies of the Gollancz edition. These very ones, in fact:

Hardbacks to give away

5 signed, personalised hardbacks, delivered worldwide

To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post before midnight UK time on 29th August to go into the draw. On the 30th I will select five winners’ names at random.

In the light of the last giveaway, I do have a few things I want to point out. Please note, the Rules of Engagement:

Rules of Engagement

  • One entry per person. Duplicate entries will be discarded.
  • Winners’ names will be drawn at random, using a random-number generator. Randomly.
  • If you leave a comment and it doesn’t appear straight away, that’s because I have to manually authorise comments from email addresses the site doesn’t recognise. It’s nothing personal, I’ve just had all the fake Rolexes, NFL jerseys and Louis Vuitton knock-offs I can stand. Sorry.
  • Only comments on this post are eligible. Please don’t ask to be entered via Twitter, Facebook, Reddit or by email because this needs to be fair and simple to administer.
  • Please leave a valid email address or I won’t be able to get in touch with you to tell you you’ve won. Make sure it’s an email address you actually check more than once in a blue moon, because if you win and I email you and you don’t respond to said email within a reasonable time (say seven days) I will give the book to someone else.
  • The dedication doesn’t have to be to you. It can be your sister, mother-in-law, boss or pet rat – I really don’t mind. I will even post it to another address, if it’s a present for someone. Just don’t ask for gift-wrap as well, because do I look like Amazon to you? Sheesh.
  • Yes, I really will ship worldwide. That includes Chile, Burkina Faso and PO boxes on little islands off the coast of Australia. Neither rain, nor snow, nor glom of nit can stay my messengers about their duty.

All clear? Right, off you go then – and good luck!



  1. Anieta England`

    To receive a signed copy of the Raven’s Shadow would be the high light of my recent retirement. This summer I have read books 1 and 2 of this series and look forward to reading the next as soon as it arrives here in the US. Thanks for making my first days as a retired person enjoyable and I’m really ready to read the next.Thanks for sharing your stories with the rest of us. A.

  2. John DiMaggio

    I really enjoyed the first two and I can’t wait until The Ravens Shadow comes out in the US.

    Thank you!!!

  3. Aaron Furr

    I would absolutely love a copy of this novel. And I actually check THIS email address daily!

  4. Di

    Been waiting avidly for the Raven, this series is fantastic.

  5. Krizia Almiranez

    would love to read this book! <3 πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€

  6. Laura Farren

    I love fantasy, and i know you shouldnt judge a book by its cover but umm dont we all? these are beautiful books!

  7. Jorge Araujo

    OMG, amazing! Waiting for this book so badly. Plus, I love the artwork!

  8. Tadeu Cunha

    I’m feeling lucky.

  9. Ainar

    Neato! I’m also doing a story with a big, bad Raven. >.>
    I also enjoy giveaways and long walks on the beach…

  10. Ken Eales

    Amazon recons my copy should arrive tomorrow 20th so looking forward to the read.

    Thanks E

  11. neil fraser

    amazing, love it! Cannot wait for the Raven, now I can be a human being again without my head stuck in a book!!

    Duplicate post!

  12. neil fraser

    Hey Elspeth

    Two brilliant, fantastic, mind absorbing books, now I can get back to being a normal human being without my head stuck in a book, cant wait for the Raven

  13. Helen G

    Amazing! Count me in! πŸ™‚

  14. Adrian

    Best of luck to everybody. May the luckiest win! xD

  15. Sameeh

    I hope I win.

  16. katie skeoch

    looks fab and being a book snob I love a hardback copy xx

  17. Mat

    I’ve heard great things about your books. Hope I win.

  18. Allen Wagstaff

    Woo woo, Gair is back.

  19. Gair (formerly known as Eon)

    The magic is breaking free again!!!!!!!! I can’t wait, sign me up for a copy πŸ™‚

  20. Rod Purdy

    Thanks for the opportunity. Pick Me! Pick Me!

  21. Fred Fagergren

    Your first two books in this series just appeared in our local library day before yesterday and i just completed them both. Wonderful books and as the cover of “Trinity Rising” suggested, they do rival George R.R. Martin’s books. since I do not know how long it will be before Book Three is published in the United States, a signed copy would be a wonderful way to be able to finish the series.

    Thank you for your talent!

  22. Will

    Count me in! Thanks!

  23. Romeo Kennedy

    This looks absolutely fabulous. You might say I’m Raven with excitement about it!

  24. Paul

    sounds like a brilliant deal

  25. quock

    Sounds awesome, thanks for doing this!

  26. Devon

    Thanks for doing this! I’d love to read it.

  27. Brandon Z

    I’d love a signed copy of your new book, thanks. πŸ™‚

  28. joyce kanuth

    I love reading new books!

  29. Kyle

    I’m in!

  30. Meg

    I would love a copy!

  31. Kevin Kastelic

    I love the look of the book, and would love to win a copy.

  32. James Keyes

    Looking forward to the book, free or not!

  33. Rahvin

    Would love to get the chance to read it =)

  34. rsholman

    Congratulations! I’d love a signed copy

  35. David

    I love reading! Would love to take a peek at your book

  36. Nik

    Count me in for this! πŸ˜€

  37. Kelli


    Duplicate post!

  38. Kelli


  39. Dominic Ray

    I’d very much enjoy a copy!

  40. kethdredd

    Odds are better than playing the lottery!

  41. Mallory

    Woo, looks neat!

  42. Noah Hoeniegs

    This is great. I am excited to read this.

  43. Stephen Townsley

    Thank you for the giveaway.

  44. Kristin


  45. James Smith

    Awesome, count me in!

  46. Mark Mieczkowski

    Sweet. I’m heading over to amazon to buy the series and I’m looking forward to reading your latest work!

  47. Khanh

    Would love to read it!

  48. Joseph

    Awesome giveaway, thanks for doing it! Count me in

  49. lesley

    I’d love one!!!

  50. arzvi

    Just going into the epic fantasy foray. Finished couple by scottlynch and roethfuss. I’d love to have this,

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