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Tag: The Raven’s Shadow (Page 4 of 4)

The Raven’s Shadow: cover launch

The Raven's Shadow final cover artMy lords, gentlepersons and other sentient beings, I give you THE RAVEN’S SHADOW, Book 3 of The Wild Hunt.

This will be arriving on your bookstore shelves on August 15th, in hardcover and trade paperback, so get your pre-orders in, if you haven’t already.

The artwork is once again by Dominic Harman, and continues the book-covers-that-look-like-books theme. Click the image for a larger version. Striking, isn’t it?

Now, you all remember where we left things at the end of TRINITY RISING, yes? Teia struggling through the mountains to avert a disaster only she can see? Gair in mortal peril in El Maqqam? Splendid.

In this book we return to the mainland as the Nimrothi war band advances southwards through the Archen Mountains, bent on reclaiming their ancient homeland with the help of Maegern the Raven, Keeper of the Dead. Under a trinity moon, battle will be joined. Ytha and her war band, forty thousand strong, versus a scant legion of imperial infantry, a handful of Arennorian clansmen, and one damaged gaeden with nothing left to lose.

Places, everyone. And . . . action!


Panic? What panic?

Post it note says "Don't panic"So that’s The Raven’s Shadow a.k.a Book 3 of The Wild Hunt Quartet packed off to my editor for scrutiny, so I can start to think about Book 4 in more detail than I have up to now.

It’s going to take quite a bit of planning (a novel experience for me) as there is a helluva lot of plot to wrap up in a neat and timely fashion.

As of today, the hit-list for The Dragon House looks a bit like this:

 – invasion, and consequences thereof (including socio-political and economic ramifications)

 – bloody revolution, consequences thereof (ditto)

 – women in combat

 – tentative explorations of new relationships for damaged people

 – conflict between a personal debt of honour and the Greater Good

 – disintegration and rebirth of a moribund institution

 – past mistakes to be faced, pipers to be paid

 – family skeletons hauled out of closets

 – assorted deaths, some new characters and the return of old friends

 – when good magic goes bad, with the corollary: fire and destruction, and lots of it

and that’s just the stuff I’ve thought of in the ten minutes it’s taken me to type this post. Eeep.

Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net.


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