I just wanted to write a quick note to say how humbled I was by the reaction to my recent post about what a struggle writing has been lately, and why. Two weeks ago, I feared the worst. That was one of the reasons why I hesitated so long before posting. Instead I have been utterly floored by the outpouring of love and support from friends and strangers alike, within genre and without. It has quite taken my breath away.
There’s too many names to thank everyone individually, and too great a chance that I would miss someone out if I tried. You know who you are, and y’all are awesome. My heart is so full right now.

© Tobin Rogers | ID 2775002 | Dreamstime Stock Photos
It’s funny how life works.. I am one of those strangers that loves your writing and have often thought of you since reading that post. Wondering how you are doing dealing with the cards life has afforded you. My sister I mentioned is currently being hit hard- recent trips to the infusion center after a not favorable MRI. I actually just told my mom about the seemingly random chance I came across a good author who was sharing about having MS. I’m thinking about seeing if she wants to go to a support group. Anyways– again, I hope you’re doing well! I’m glad I checked back in.