Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Release day . . . and it’s twins!

Cover of German edition, Die Wilde JagdTrinity Rising coverThis month sees the arrival of two bumper bundles of joy: Trinity Rising in the States tomorrow from Tor, and last week Die Wilde Jagd in Germany (Heyne).

Same again? Er, no

For those of you who don’t know, Book 2 of The Wild Hunt is  darker and more disturbing than Songs of the Earth. I knew it was going to be from the first scene I wrote. Gair grew up with a jolt at the end of Book 1; now he’s finding out that he’s caught in the middle of something that’s bigger than him, in which the choices he makes will have far-reaching consequences.

And he’s not the only one. Meet Teia:

A rush of compulsion deluged Teia’s mind. It seized her, shook her, bent her to its will. She would answer; she had to. She had known of her gift since Macha brought her first blood; why had she ever thought she could keep that a secret? There was nothing Ytha could not know, nothing she could not find out. It would be better by far to volunteer the information than wait for the Speaker to enter her mind and take it by force. Surrender was the only choice.

‘Answer me!’

Wave after wave of Ytha’s will bore down until Teia thought she would break under their weight. Her mouth shaped to say the words and, in desperation, she flung herself open to the music within.


Want some more? You can read Chapter One here.

And finally, an apology

I’ve been MIA most of the last few months, for reasons many and various: finishing Book 3, The Raven’s Shadow, having the bathroom gutted, and dealing with a couple of MS relapses/starting a new drug regime.

Things seem to be settling down a bit now, so I’ll be a bit more visible (I hope!) from now on. Or at least I will until Book 4 gets a hold of me and drags me back into seclusion . . .



  1. Linda

    Nor released until 2014…augh! 🙁

  2. Ben Rosenberg

    Loved Book I and I’m halfway done book 2 … so here comes the tired question … Book 3 have a due date? 🙂
    I can’t wait. I’ve bugged just about everyone i know into reading the series .. all those who are into this genre and even if they aren’t into it.


    • Ellie

      Due to a reshuffle in the production schedule, book three will now be released on August 15th in the UK, with Aus/NZ shortly thereafter. In the States and elsewhere it won’t be out until 2014, sorry. I will make sure I tease you all unmercifully with sneak peeks and giveaways until then ;o)

  3. Leo Elijah Cristea

    The German cover is gorgeous… Yet another foreign release I want to add to my bookshelves.

    • Ellie

      It is – I can’t wait to get my hands on it!

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