…but a fortnight is a bloody long time to keep your lip zipped when you’re sitting on astonishing news like this.
Lest I get too big-headed about this, I shall let theBookseller.com tell the story:
Yes, that’s me she’s talking about. Little old me who’s been scribbling away for mumblety-mumble years on a rag-tag collection of reporters’ notebooks, A4 pads and the backs of old envelopes. Who wrote the first draft of the opening chapter twelve years ago in a haze of rage and pain, and who wrote the entire siege of Chapterhouse in one sitting (read the book and you’ll understand what a big deal that was; go on, read it!) and bawled her eyes out as she killed off one of her favourite characters because It Had To Be Done.
As Nanny Ogg said, “Well I’ll be mogadored!”