Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Category: books (Page 7 of 27)

Monster book giveaway winners!

Stack of Trinity Rising paperbacksLast month’s monster book giveaway closed at the weekend, and the winners have now been drawn*. Check your email to find out if you’ve been selected.

During the draw, I noticed a few things – data points, if you will:

  • The SONGS giveaway was massively over-subscribed, with 240 valid entries to TRINITY’s 49 – that’s almost 6 to 1. This was largely because so many of you hadn’t read my books before, or didn’t specify a book and so got entered into the SONGS draw, or you were cheeky and asked for either or both.
  • Lots of you are called Mike (7). Even more of you are called Chris (9). A surprising number (43, or 15%) have names beginning with the letter J. There was even one lady named Ellie, like me (but it didn’t earn her any special favours).
  • A couple of wee scamps commented more than once. One looks like an accidental double post, so he gets a pass. As for the others, yes, I de-duped your email addresses. I’ll hold my hand up and say multiple entries were not explicitly prohibited, and it’s entirely possible that WordPess screwed up (perish the thought) but in the spirit of fair play, you got one entry each.

Stack of Songs of the Earth paperbacksMonster book giveaway – now even monsterer!

Whilst we’re on the subject of fair play, the extremely high number of entrants for SONGS left me minded to throw a few more books into the pot, so I have drawn a total of TEN winners for that one.

If I could have offered six times as many, i.e. 42, to give everyone a more or less equal chance of winning, whichever draw they were entered for, I would do, but alas Tor only sent me so many copies.

So without further ado . . .

SONGS OF THE EARTH winners: Steve, Haik, Daniel, William, Shelley, Matt, Paras, Linus, Sarah, Nadine.

TRINITY RISING winners: Debbie, Lorraine, Mark, Kirsten, Aaron, Shawn, David.

Congratulations, all of you! You will shortly receive an email requesting your address and personalisation details, and your books will go on the post on the Saturday after I receive your reply.

* For all those interested in due process, the winners were selected by importing all the commenters’ names, deduping and sorting into two lists, then I used a random number generator to select positions on those lists.

The Raven’s Shadow: cover launch

The Raven's Shadow final cover artMy lords, gentlepersons and other sentient beings, I give you THE RAVEN’S SHADOW, Book 3 of The Wild Hunt.

This will be arriving on your bookstore shelves on August 15th, in hardcover and trade paperback, so get your pre-orders in, if you haven’t already.

The artwork is once again by Dominic Harman, and continues the book-covers-that-look-like-books theme. Click the image for a larger version. Striking, isn’t it?

Now, you all remember where we left things at the end of TRINITY RISING, yes? Teia struggling through the mountains to avert a disaster only she can see? Gair in mortal peril in El Maqqam? Splendid.

In this book we return to the mainland as the Nimrothi war band advances southwards through the Archen Mountains, bent on reclaiming their ancient homeland with the help of Maegern the Raven, Keeper of the Dead. Under a trinity moon, battle will be joined. Ytha and her war band, forty thousand strong, versus a scant legion of imperial infantry, a handful of Arennorian clansmen, and one damaged gaeden with nothing left to lose.

Places, everyone. And . . . action!


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