Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Songs of the Earth, en español

Songs of the Earth - Spanish editionI don’t think I will ever get over that feeling of utter childlike delight when a parcel arrives from my publisher containing copies of my books. There is jumping up and down like a little girl, and there is grinning, and there is The Squee.

I make no apology for it: the day I become blasé about these things, the day being a writer stops being the most insane amount of fun I can have without the aid of a bucket of chocolate custard, you have my permission to shoot me.

Today’s parcel contained my author’s copies of the Spanish edition of Songs of the Earth: Bajo la Hiedra, or Under the Ivy, as they chose to title it.

Really attractive glossy cover, gold embossed – and it has flaps front and back like a hardback. Never seen that before.

Hats off to Minotauro; they’ve made me fall in love with the book all over again.



1 Comment

  1. Fran

    I like the title, and I love the artwork! Muy bien amiga!

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