Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Cover news – overseas edition

Cover of Bk3 German editionMy spies have reported that this beauty will be the cover of the German edition of The Raven’s Shadow, out later this year.

Hats off to Heyne, who are producing a wonderful set of covers for the series – they look awesome on the shelf together. I can’t wait to get hold of a copy.

Der Schleier der Macht translates as The Veil of Power. Hazarding a guess at why they’ve changed the title, it occurs to me that it might be because Der Schatten des Raben, which is a literal translation of ‘the raven’s shadow’ doesn’t exactly trip off the tongue!

Der Schleier der Macht will be published in Germany on 14 July 2014, in paperback.

In the meantime, I’ll be up here in my office, basking. As you do.



  1. amarasu

    I love the books very much and can´t wait for the next one. Well I am german so for the title they be giving I can say they are related to the Story and give an impact. Sorry for crappy grammar.

  2. Cielo Schaugaard

    Waiting for the fourth book. Any idea when will it be published? Love the story

    • Ellie

      Unfortunately it’s taking a bit longer than anyone would like (including me!) to get THE DRAGON HOUSE wrapped up. I want a final book that does justice to the series, that no-one feels they’ve been let down by, so that means not just getting it done, but getting it done *right*.

      As soon as I have any more news, I’ll put up a post. Thank you for your patience!

  3. Béatrix Le Douarin

    Hello, I’m French and I want to know when will come out after the serie “the wild hunt” I am very impatient. when in Volume 3 ?
    please answer me

    • Ellie

      Bonjour Béatrix!

      I’m afraid I don’t know yet, but I’m delighted to hear you are impatient! As soon as I know anything, I will make a blog post about it.

  4. Lobi

    I’ll do so, thanks for your reply!

    And of course it isn’t easy for Heyne. As I told there is no good expression for “Trinity Rising” in German albeit any German reader with English skills will understand it’s meaning. If it’s the same with “The Raven’s Shadow” you did a good job in choosing your titles – a great feeling for the words.

    Nevertheless I love Gair’s destiny, I enjoyed the translation and like the design of the German covers. A title is a title and not the story. Many thoughts for a short phrase that decides about instant buys and much more. Keep your style up! 🙂

  5. Lobi

    I’m not happy about the changed German titles. They published “Trinity Rising” as “Die wilde Jagd” which means “The wild Hunt” – in my understanding the title of the book series (they do not named the series in Germany as “The wild Hunt”). Of course it’s difficult to translate the original title because there is no good way to express the meaning of Trinity Rising in catchy German words. But there had been a better way in my opinion.

    “Der Schleier der Macht” for “The Raven’s Shadow” continues this infelicitous way for me. I do not read the third book so far because I like the German translation of the story and feel willing to wait until summer, so I’m not able to review about the match of title and story. But I suppose that “The Raven’s Shadow” matchs as good to the content of the third book as “Trinitiy Rising” was matching to the content of the second book. So consequently “Der Schleier der Macht” will not match such good to the third book than “Die wilde Jagd” does with the second book.

    Unfortunately it became common in Germany to change titles or personal names of characters or geography not as good as they did in The Lord of the Rings … 🙁

    • Ellie

      You’re right – the English title of the series is indeed The Wild Hunt. Before changing the title of each book I imagine Heyne will have taken into consideration a number of factors, such as whether the original title translates pleasingly (which Trinity Rising obviously didn’t), whether it looks good on the cover and whether it will resonate for German readers. Unfortunately I don’t have any input on this: once they’ve bought the rights it’s pretty much their baby. They know their market better than I ever will, so I have to trust that they’ve made the right choice.

      As for how good a fit the new title is, well, you’ll have to read the book and let me know what you think!

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