Purveyor of fine fantasy adventures

Tag: Trinity Rising (Page 2 of 11)

Book giveaway


Folks, I need to clear some space on the shelves in my office. Gollancz just sent me another bunch of paperbacks, and there is no length to which I will not go in order to avoid dusting ’em, so the time has come to run another giveaway.

songs_tor_pbackFirst up, I have seven copies of the Tor paperback of SONGS OF THE EARTH to give away. Many of you will have aready read this, but I am reliably informed that there are people out there in internetland who haven’t yet heard of me (waves to the good folk of Reddit Fantasy) so here’s your chance to try a new-to-you author for free. You never know, you might even like it.

Second, I am giving away seven copies of the larger format UK paperback of TRINITY RISING. These are the not due in the shops until June 13th, so they’re new and shiny and unthumbed.


Free stuff, people. Who doesn’t love free stuff? Oh, and I’ll sign and personalise each book, too.

This giveaway is open worldwide – all you have to do is leave a comment on this post before midnight UK time on June 15th, and tell me which book you want, then I will put all the names in a hat and select the lucky recipients at random.

When you comment, please make sure you give a valid email address so I can contact you for your shipping addy and personalisation details when the giveaway ends.

UPDATE: If you’ve not read my work before, you should start with SONGS OF THE EARTH as it’s Book 1 in the series. TRINITY RISING is Book 2. If you don’t specify which book you’d prefer, I’ll put you in the hat for SONGS.

UPDATE the second: If your comment does not appear straight away, my apologies, but due to a rise in comment spam I have to manually approve new commenters. I’m training the cats to monitor the feed in my absence.


Coming soon: Trinity Rising paperback (UK)

Trinity Rising coverI’m pleased to announce that the UK mass-market paperback of TRINITY RISING will be released on 13th June 2013 – with, I’m told, a bonus sneak peek at the first chapter of the next book in The Wild Hunt series, THE RAVEN’S SHADOW.

I will of course be doing some giveaways of signed copies (when I actually have some copies to sign and give away, that is) so check back next month for details.

As always, any giveaways that I run through this blog are fully international. I don’t care where you live, as long as you have a postal service of some description – be that a transdimensional vortex, a painted golem called Mr Pump or just an old man with a donkey who comes over the mountain every second Wednesday – you can enter.

Herewith some shameless self-promotion:

…settle down and enjoy Cooper’s eloquent prose, unique versions of the occult, and fine emotional range — Locus

And I didn’t even have to pay them to say that.

June 13th. Go. Read. Enjoy.


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