A few housekeeping changes to report, nothing major.
As you may have noticed, things look a bit different around here. I’m taking a new theme for a canter, as I was growing a bit dissatisfied with the old one. So far, so good – although I did need a bit of prompting to remember how to speak WordPress (it’s been a while). What do you think?
I’ve added a couple of older posts to the Guide to the World of the Wild Hunt which go into a bit more detail about how said world works. It felt like they belonged there, rather than buried in the archives. If you have any ideas for other topics you’d like me to cover, drop them in the comments below and I’ll get to them in my *cough* copious free time.
Since I recently dusted off my Goodreads account, which I hadn’t updated in EIGHT YEARS for heaven’s sake, I’ve also incorporated a widget in the footer that shows you what I’m currently reading. Neat, eh?
*Style over substance, geddit? Gosh, I am so easily amused.
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